Good quality sleep is essential for physical and mental recovery after a long, hard day’s work. Getting enough rest gives us energy and helps us to focus during the day. During sleeping hours, bodies repair themselves and restore energy levels. This is why everyone needs to have it on a daily basis.

Everyone knows how important it is to have a good and sound sleep. Yet, many people find this difficult to achieve. There are many reasons behind this such as physical uneasiness, mental distress, and others. It is good that some people look for ways to somehow improve their sleep quality. 

This is why some folks turn to sleep aids to help them get some much-needed rest. CBD oil has recently become an appealing alternative to conventional sleep pills. Many people include CBD oil in their sleeping routine. They believe it helps them regulate their circadian rhythm and achieve a more balanced state of mind. This is why CBD oil is often mistaken as the reason for sleepiness. 

But since the science is conflicted about this, many people are wondering, “does CBD oil make you sleepy?” To know the answer to this question, you need to dig deeper into the effects of CBD oil on the body. 

What Is CBD Oil?

There are a lot of CBD products available in the market. CBD oil is among the most popular and widely used. While there are many people who are already using CBD oil, there are also others who try other CBD products like gummies, capsules, topicals, and others.

Manufacturers make CBD oil by extracting CBD from cannabis plants and diluting it with a carrier oil such as coconut or hemp seed oil. 

It helps ease symptoms of many health conditions, such as physical discomfort, mental uneasiness, and skin. There is no clinical evidence that CBD oil makes you sleepy, but many still correlate it with solving their CBD use with better rest.

Does CBD Oil Make You Sleepy?

There is no definite answer to whether or not CBD oil makes you sleepy. What it does, however, is calm your mind — and a calm mind helps you doze off to get a good night’s rest.

Looking at the effects, CBD oil does not make you sleepy but is instead used as a sleeping aid.

Keep in mind that CBD oil can have different effects on a person. For some, it relaxes and calms them down. But for others, it makes their minds alert and awake. The effects of CBD differ depending on how the body responds to it. The doses will also have different effects on a person. It is important to know how much CBD you need to achieve the results that you want.

Learn More: Reasons Why CBD Doesn’t Work for Everyone

How Do Different Doses of CBD Work?

Hand Holding CBD Oil Bottle and Dropper with Oil

CBD affects everyone differently. Some may need a higher dose and take CBD oil for several weeks, while others can see effects right away, even at the smallest dose. Taking the right dose is important as it will provide you the best results that you expect from it. There are different ways to know the right dose for you.

Consulting a health expert will help you get the right dose of CBD. Your doctor will calculate the dosage based on several individual factors, such as your weight, symptoms, desired effects, and the potency of your product. 

If you want to take CBD without asking a health professional for guidance, it’s best to start with the smallest dose. This will help you know the effects that it has on your body. If you feel that the smallest dose does not do much for you, then you can gradually increase your intake. 

Escalate it after a week until you achieve the desired results. This will allow your body to adjust to the effects of CBD on your body’s chemistry. Keep track of the dose and the effects it has on you. After a moment of trial and error, you should find the best dose for yourself. 

When Does CBD Oil Increase Your Energy?

While CBD oil helps in improving the quality of sleep for some, others find that they have an increase in energy when taking it. For some, instead of feeling sleepy, they become wide awake and alert. Their minds became more active after taking CBD oil which helped them get enough energy to do things. 

Again, the effects of CBD oil are different based on the aforementioned variables. Knowing how it will affect you will help you determine your purpose of intake. On your first try, you will immediately know how CBD oil affects you. It either helps you fall asleep or improve your level of energy. But how does CBD oil increase your energy? 

First, CBD improves sleep. By getting a good amount of rest, your body will recover faster and provide a good level of energy the next day. 

Another way that CBD oil increases your energy is when it reduces the symptoms of mental distress and physical discomfort. When you do not feel any uneasiness, your energy, and ability to do things increase. Taking CBD oil can promote wakefulness and increased energy.

When Does CBD Oil Make You Sleepy?

CBD Oil With Hemp Leaves in Beige Background

As CBD is often associated with cannabis, people have the notion that it has a sedating effect on the user.

The effects of CBD are not directed at making a person fall asleep. They depend on a person’s level of stress, physical discomfort, and overall health. CBD oil helps in reducing the symptoms of discomfort and uneasiness giving you a better sense of calmness. This then can help you feel sleepy.  

Taking CBD oil improves your stress response and lowers blood pressure, which can make you feel sleepy. When your body senses a lower level of stress, you will feel more relaxed. Lower blood pressure also relieves you from discomfort. With these effects, your body becomes more calm and relaxed, helping you fall asleep faster. 

There are already many people who are using CBD oil as a sleeping aid. It is important to take the right dose and determine your goals first if you want to achieve the best results.

How Can CBD Oil Make You Sleepy?

Some people use CBD oil to feel sleepy and fall asleep faster. How does this work? Though CBD oil does not directly make you sleepy, its ability to calm your mind and body makes you comfortable enough to rest and sleep. This is why CBD oil is an effective sleeping aid for some. 

Certain situations will make you feel awake and unable to fall asleep. You might deal with physical pain, mental uneasiness, or mood instability. CBD oil can help decrease the effects and symptoms of these problems, translating into fuller rest. 

CBD works together with the ECS (endocannabinoid system) The ECS is a network of receptors, endocannabinoids, and enzymes that promote and help maintain homeostasis to perform other regulatory processes. It is usually associated with the regulation of physical discomfort, mood, appetite, and memory. The ECS also regulates pain by inhibiting nociceptive transmissions in the brain.

When you consume CBD, the cannabinoid works to increase your brain’s ability to cope with a range of health concerns, from physical discomfort to severe stress to poor regeneration and low energy levels. 

This balance translates into a more effective regulation of the sleep-wake cycle.

Can CBD Help Regulate Our Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour inner timer in our brain. It regulates cycles of alertness and sleepiness by responding to light variations in the surroundings. There are people who have difficulties falling asleep at night. This has an impact on daytime alertness, concentration, and mood. They may be stressed about lacking energy for the next day as a result of their bad sleep, which can lead to more restlessness at night. When CBD oil is taken before nighttime, a person can feel less stressed helping them sleep faster. 

The time of intake is a big factor in achieving the results that you want from CBD oil. Its effects on you should also be considered before taking one. If you feel energized when taking CBD oil, then it is best to have it during day time. This way, you get to consume your energy all throughout the day and help you sleep faster and better at night. 

What Else Can You Add to Your Sleep Routine On Top of CBD oil?

CBD Oil Beside Hemp Plants

CBD is just one of the many tools for improving the quality of your rest. It goes without saying that it shouldn’t be the only thing to rely on when trying to regulate your circadian rhythm. 

One way to get a good sleep is by relaxing your mind through reading or meditation. To make you get a good rest and help you fall asleep faster, you need to keep your mind calm and at ease. Reading a good book or meditation are good ways to achieve mental calmness.

The body is just as important as the mind when it comes to maintaining healthy sleeping patterns. Breathing exercises, stretching, and yoga can help relax your muscles and reduce tension. 

When you pair these activities with CBD oil, you can achieve a good quality of sleep. These will help your mind and body become re-energized and ready for the next day’s work. Keep in mind that CBD oil is only an added help. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and good self-care habits should be the cornerstone of your daily hygiene.

So… Does CBD Oil Make You Sleepy? 

The direct effects of CBD oil on your sleep patterns depend on how your body responds to CBD. Some people say that CBD makes them feel sleepy, while others may feel wide awake after taking it.

If you’re considering adding CBD oil to your supplementation plan, you’ll need to figure out how different doses of CBD make you feel. You can adjust the dosage according to your body’s response to find the amount that works best for you.

There is no standard CBD dosage, so if you’re looking for professional guidance, we recommend consulting a doctor. A qualified holistic physician will help you establish the right dose and routine to help you get the most out of your product. It is safer to ask them first. This way, you can avoid unwanted side effects and achieve the utmost results.

Keep in mind that CBD does not make you sleepy like a sleeping pill. Instead, it aids in calming your mind so you can easily fall asleep. For this reason, many consider it as a sleeping aid.

Do you add CBD oil to your evening routine? Or do you rather use it to boost productivity during the day? Share your thoughts in the comments!